Download and complete the appropriate Booking Request Form.
DoE Schools Day Programs - On-Site: Download Booking Request Form
Non DoE Schools Day Programs - On-Site: Download Booking Request Form
Schools Overnight/Camp Programs: Download Booking Request Form
Email (wambangala-e.school@det.nsw.edu.au) the completed Booking Request Form
OR phone us on (0268877209)
Please see Fieldwork Programs for details about excursions and In School Programs for details about Incursions.
Please note: information regarding program costs for 2018 are contained within the Booking Request Forms.
Confirming your booking:
Once we have received your Booking Request, we will confirm dates and issue you with a Booking Confirmation. You are required to read, sign and return this form. Your booking will not be confirmed until we have received this.
Your school will also be required to complete and return the Class Roll/Medical Form
Your school has up to 48hours prior to arrival time to amend numbers to your booking. After this, schools will be required to pay for the number of students booked at the time of confirmation.
Risk Assessment:
A general risk assessment can be found on the Risk Assessments page and this also covers overnight stays.
Some activities that require specific risk assessments can also be found on the Risk Assessments.
Please use the information provided to prepare a risk assessment that is specific to your students, school and transport requirements.